Avengers: Infinity War is an action and fantasy movie based on the comics series of Marvel Comics.
Marvel's most charismatic superheroes are united in their new adventures. The powerful team will fight against the terrible Titan Thanos. In 2018, the story of Infinity War will present the theme of the Infinity War of the Avengers series. Full HD Avengers: Infinity War Backgrounds
In October 2014, Marvel Studios released two episodes of The Avengers: Infinity War Episode 1 and The Avengers: Infinity War Episode 2. In April 2015, the directors of the film were announced as Captain America: The Joe Brothers Russo and Anthony Russo, also known as the winter soldier. The filmmakers explained that the film of the two films would be different from each other. In May 2015, the writers were Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. Full HD Avengers: Infinity War Wallpapers
In January 2016, the Russo brothers announced that the film had a capacity of sixty-seven characters. It has been interpreted that the characters of Marvel's film universe will be present in the film, but producer Kevin Feige has not confirmed it. 1920*1080 Avengers: Infinity War Wallpapers
In April 2016, Chris Pratt was portrayed as Peter Quill / Star Lord for the role of Elizabeth Olsen, Red Witch. In the same month, Benedict Cumberbatch, Doctor Strange, will be in his role in the film. Samuel L. Jackson will return with the character Nick Fury. 1920*1080 Avengers: Infinity War Backgrounds
In May 2016, the filmmakers claimed that the film was misinterpreted and that the films were split in half to eliminate the error. It was known that his first film was called "Avengers: Infinity War". The name of the suite is not yet defined.
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